NorduGrid SVN repository

Subversion information

NorduGrid currently host 3 repositories:

NorduGrid repository layout:

    |-- arc0           <---- The old production branch of NorduGrid ARC
    |   |-- trunk
    |   |-- tags
    |   `-- branches
    |-- arc1           <---- The production branch of NorduGrid ARC
    |   |-- trunk
    |   |-- tags
    |   `-- branches
    |-- doc            <---- NorduGrid ARC documentation
    |   |-- trunk
    |   |-- tags
    |   `-- branches
    |-- obsolete       <---- NorduGrid ARC obsolete modules
    `-- contrib        <---- NorduGrid ARC contributed software

Accessing the code

Anonymous read access is available from the root Thus to check out trunk from arc1 do for example:
    svn co arc-1.x
to check out trunk into the directory arc-1.x. No client-side configuration is needed for anonymous read access.

For write access you need to be authorized and have a valid certificate. To request access, please send a mail to nordugrid-core @ Authenticated access is done via https so the example above would look like:

    svn co arc-1.x

Example authenticated client side configuration:

You do not need this configuration for anonymous access. For authenticated access (needed for write access) the file ~/.subversion/servers should include lines like:

   nordugrid =

   ssl-client-cert-file = /home/john/.globus/usercert.p12


Page last modified: 2021-02-22 00:44:34